Fuenlabrada |

As the new school term started we once again became subjected to unnecessary traffic snarls due to the inability of parents, and hence children to walk more than 20 metres. There is a law against ‘double parking’ or parking on yellow lines. We are responsible for teaching our children right from wrong. By ignoring simple bylaws we are teaching our youngsters that it is OK to break the law.If the local authorities do not implement control of these ‘minor’ infractions, they are also saying it is OK to break the law.

There are groups of efficient wardens that work in parts of Madrid to ensure that people do not overstay their allotted time on parking meters. Perhaps it is time for this to become ‘the norm’ everywhere. As people seem unable to recognise that a crime is a crime no matter how minor, perhaps the ‘ayuntamientos’ should take a stand.

By employing a carefully selected group of personnel to patrol our streets ensuring that these ‘minor’ offences do not go by unpunished everyone will benefit. Drivers will become more conscious of their duty to be aware of others. Parents may well walk their children to school thus making them all a little healthier and the children will not have lawlessness ingrained into their everyday life. Stress levels and pollution levels will fall due to less congested streets and the local authorities will receive much needed income from the fines handed out to those who continue to ignore the rules.